BY Sean Landers in Influences | 26 SEP 17
Featured in
Issue 6

Artists' Artists: Sean Landers

René Magritte, Le Stropiat (The Amputee), 1948 

BY Sean Landers in Influences | 26 SEP 17

In 1992, I thought I knew all I needed to know about René Magritte. So, when I saw his retrospective at The Metropolitan Museum of Art that year, I was expecting the expected. That is when I came face to face for the first time with Magritte’s ‘La Période Vache’ (The Cow Period), and my personal favourite painting, Le Stropiat. It made me call into question everything I was doing, while confirming it at the same time. Back then, I was making large, unstretched, stream-of-consciousness text paintings to illustrate my belief that the contents of a mind while in the act of painting were, in fact, the actual content of that painting. When I saw the ‘Vache’ paintings, I saw that very thing being done with images – automatic images akin to automatic writing. I liked the way Magritte thought in his paint. His sense of humour and inventiveness in his ‘Vache’ period were like a cool, fresh breeze within his retrospective. At once, I knew that I had to find my own ‘Vache’ period.

René Magritte, Le Stropiat (The Amputee), 1948    

Sean Landers (b.1962) lives and works in New York, USA. In 2023, Landers was the first artist to have a museum-wide exhibition at Paris’s Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature. Recent solo exhibitions have taken place at the Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri; Kunsthalle Zürich; Le Consortium, Dijon; and Queens Museum, New York, among others.