<Self Portrait> by Zeng Fanzhi / © 채문선 Moonsun Chai

Frieze 91 서울: 채문선 대표의 컬렉팅 이야기 | Frieze 91 Seoul: CEO Moonsun Chai’s Collecting Story

5pm-6pm, 2024년 9월 2일 | September 2, 2024
서울 강남구 | Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Frieze 91 회원이자 프리미엄 비건 뷰티 브랜드 탈리다쿰의 설립자인 

채문선 대표가 그녀만의 퍼스널한 아트 컬렉팅 이야기를 

Frieze 91 회원들과 나누는 특별한 대화의 시간에 초대합니다.


본 행사는 한국어로 진행될 예정이며, 인원 제한이 있어 사전 예약은 필수입니다.

Join us for a special evening of conversation with Moonsun Chai, Founder & CEO of the premium vegan beauty brand Talitha Koum and a Frieze 91 member, as she shares her personal art collecting story with Frieze 91 members.


Please note that this program will be held in Korean only and RSVP is required due to limited capacity.

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