Organised by Pablo José Ramírez (Curator, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles), a new themed section at Frieze London 2024 will present ceramic works that explore diasporic and indigenous histories.

Smoke will bring together international artists at the forefront of the medium today – whose practices mine pre-colonial traditions to use clay in expanded forms – presenting ceramics as one of the most impactful aesthetic forms in contemporary art.

The Brazilian artist presents a site-specific installation with Hatch Gallery and Galeria Athena at Frieze London 2024

The Brazilian artist presents a site-specific installation with Hatch Gallery and Galeria Athena at Frieze London 2024

The Brazilian artist presents a site-specific installation with Hatch Gallery and Galeria Athena at Frieze London 2024


This year, after debuting to widespread praise in 2023, the curated section ‘Artist-to-Artist’ returns to Frieze London as a highlight of the fair’s artist-driven programme.