Issue 4
Spring 2012

The Spring issue of frieze d/e marks Gerhard Richter’s exhibition ‘Panorama’ at Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie, by speaking to Hal Foster.

The Milan-based novelist Vincenzo Latronico considers the rise of English among non-native speakers in the art world.

Jan Verwoert listens to Karl Holmqvist‘s own brand of drag performance: the artist’s mixture of poetry and pop.

Also featured in Issue 4: Bert Rebhandl charts the career of the director Romuald Karmakar and asks how his use of YouTube is changing the way filmmakers work and audiences watch film; and Editor Jennifer Allen reconsiders Ulrike Ottinger‘s films in light of a recent exhibition of her paintings from the 1960s.

From this issue

How science has caught up with the art of forgery

BY Noah Charney |

Is the image’s future more important than its past?

BY Dominikus Müller |

On the value of nursing, education and culture

BY Jan Verwoert |

The Esperanto Museum and the Department of Planned Languages in Austria’s National Library

BY Kimberley Bradley |

Since English has become the lingua franca, what has happened to art – and to language?

BY Vincenzo Latronico |

For Mariana Castillo Deball, every artefact tells the story of its origin – and where it’s been since

BY Kito Nedo |

Neo-Materialism, Nature and Gallerists with Guns

BY Paul Feigelfeld |

Mixing poetry with pop songs, Karl Holmqvist has created a brand-new medium: the drag-performance

BY Jan Verwoert |

The filmmaker Romuald Karmakar is redefining his oeuvre – and cinema itself – on YouTube

BY Bert Rebhandl |

Ulrike Ottinger’s films fuse the genres of fantasy and documentary. Yet the origins of this fusion lie in another medium: painting

BY Jennifer Allen |

Electrical Wiring, Diving Lessons and Bird Catching

BY Isabelle Moffat |

To mark the Gerhard Richter retrospective at Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie, frieze d/e spoke with Hal Foster about the painter’s take on light, Pop and politics

BY Jennifer Allen |

Choose a single object of special significance from your working or living environment

BY Roman Ondák |

Although English has slowly permeated the Swiss art scene, the new director of Kunsthalle Bern is learning German – with good reason

BY Barbara Preisig |

Ursula Bogner is a forgotten pioneer of electronic music – at least according to the Berlin musician Jan Jelinek

BY Fiona McGovern |

In this series, frieze d/e asks artists, curators or writers to reflect upon one word and its impact

Klaus Walter stellt die neue Ausgabe von frieze d/e auf vor.

BY Klaus Walter |

Kunsthaus Glarus

BY Quinn Latimer |

Capitain Petzel

BY Kirsty Bell |

In this series, frieze d/e asks artists, curators or writers to reflect upon one word and its impact

BY Övül Durmuşoğlu |

Marxist arguments permeate Jacques Rancière’s philosophy – including his aesthetic theory

BY Jens Kastner |

After heading the museum for more than a decade as director, Kasper König spoke to Jörg Scheller about his farewell exhibition, Mesut Özil’s football shirt and the erotics of museums

BY Jörg Scheller |

Christine König Galerie

BY Bettina Brunner |

Generali Foundation

BY Dominikus Müller |

Galerie Aurel Scheibler

BY Thibaut de Ruyter |

Galerie Tobias Naehring

BY Kito Nedo |

Haus Konstruktiv

BY Gabrielle Schaad |

Lentos Kunstmuseum

BY Vitus Weh |

Brandenburgischer Kunstverein

BY Jörg Heiser |

Galerie Max Hetzler

BY Andreas Schlaegel |