in Frieze London , Videos | 02 AUG 24

Meet Me in London: Hannah Morgan

The artist introduces us to her sculptural ‘creatures’ in English Alabaster and shows us her ‘underland’ influences in London's Warburg Library

in Frieze London , Videos | 02 AUG 24
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Hannah Morgan describes English Alabaster as ‘a beautiful and intriguing stone’. It ‘sucks up the mineral elements of the earth around it’, resulting in “reddy-brown” tones with beguiling veins and seams. She uses the material to carve out ‘creatures’ in gestation, emergence and decay, reflecting on what she terms as "underland" entanglements related to myth, natural ecologies, mourning and birth. 

The resultant works are then staged in interdisciplinary installations with metal frameworks, hanging glass ‘oculars’ in a sensory environment punctuated with flickering video and sound work the choral works made in collaboration with Clay Slade.

In this video, Morgan speaks to us from her London Fields studio, introducing us to her ‘Animula’ series in progress for her Frieze London Focus debut, presented by Xxira Hii. The artist also takes us to one of her sites of discovery, The Warburg Institute  an art historical collection which is categorised thematically, that Morgan suggests is inspirational as ‘you get an open-ended way of researching — which is joyful.’

About the Focus Section

Focus returns to Frieze London 2024, showcasing emerging talent from the UK capital and around the world. Frieze’s longstanding section dedicated to fostering a community of young galleries is this year advised by Joumana Asseily (Founder, Marfa), Piotr Drewko (Founder, Wschód), and Cédric Fauq (Chief Curator, CAPC musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux).

Focus is presented in collaboration with Stone Island, whose bursaries further aid young galleries’ participation in the fair alongside Frieze’s existing support. 

Further Information

Frieze London and Frieze Masters, 9 – 13 October 2024, The Regent’s Park.

Tickets to the fairs are on sale – don’t miss out, buy yours now. Alternatively, become a member to enjoy premier access, exclusive guided tours and more.


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